Turkish Foreign Policy and Turco-Greek Relations – Ethnos newspaper interview
Turkish Foreign Policy and Turco-Greek Relations - Ethnos newspaper interview 1. What is the situation in Turkey lately, after the first wave of the pandemic, politically, socially and economically.…
Interview with the Turkish political scientist Baskin Oran. Erdogan’s freedom of speech
Interview with the Turkish political scientist Baskin Oran Erdogan's freedom of speech In April President Erdogan called a group of academics that dared criticise the Turkish security forces′ offensive against…
Erdoğans Redefreiheit
Ein Gespräch mit dem Politikwissenschaftler Baskın Oran, der den Präsidenten verklagt - wegen Beleidigung. Interview von Selçuk Caydı SZ: Hunderte von Journalisten, Karikaturisten und Wissenschaftlern wurden schon wegen Beleidigung des…
Erdogan est seul responsable de la reprise de la guerre avec les Kurdes
Figure de proue du combat pour la démocratie en Turquie, personnalité indépendante et unanimement respectée, Baskin Oran, né à Izmir il y a 70 ans, est un éminent spécialiste des…
Aram Sargsyan Zhamanak
-Mr Oran, in youropinion, to what extent the recent processes inside Turkey, first of all I mean parliamentary elections and its results and Kurdish issue, affected on Turkey's foreign policy…
Turkey needs powerful and reliable opposition | Gariwo
Interview with Baskin Oran The 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide is approaching and Turkey’s stance toward this anniversary and the request for a recognition of the crimes committed in…
Is Turkey serious about joining the anti-IS coalition?
The unwilling partner of the coalition wants reassurances amidst the voting of the ‘intervention bill’ By Cagri Ozdemir The Turkish parliament will vote for the extension of the permit allowing…
Ο Ερντογάν είναι επιρρεπής στην απολυταρχία
Γεννημένος το 1954 στη Σμύρνη, ο Baskin Oran είναι από τους πλέον αρμόδιους σε θέματα πολιτικής στην Τουρκία. Δεν είναι μόνο οι σπουδές του στις Πολιτικές Επιστήμες, σε συνδυασμό με…
Turkey responsible for failure of Armenian-Turkish protocols
Turkey responsible for failure of Armenian-Turkish protocols, Armenia has no slightest fault: Baskin Oran YEREVAN, APRIL 23, ARMENPRESS. Towards the 99th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, the efforts for the…
Franco-Turkish Briefings
For a long time, the Turkish Republic created by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was regarded by France’s elites and political class as a sister republic: secular and Jacobin, the concrete embodiment…
The Mass in Akhtamar, and What’s Next
The scene outside the church. (Photo by Talin Suciyan) VAN (A.W.)–“Victory is in the realization of mad men’s dream…” This, written in big Armenian letters along with a photo of…
Mouradian: Decoding Turkey’s ‘Yes’ to Constitutional Amendments
Journalists, political analysts, historians, and activists discuss the implications of the vote with the Armenian Weekly. On Sept. 12, Turkey voted in favor of constitutional amendments that could usher in…
Interview with journalist Arevik Badalyan
Interview with journalist Arevik Badalyan for the Henaran news agency in Armenia (April 2010) 1, In what stage are the the Armenian-Turkish relations? How you describe them? Frozen, generally interrupted…
That much ignorance is only possible with education
By Khatchig Mouradian On May 30, long-time humanrights activist in Turkey Prof. Baskin Oran receivedan email from the Turkish Revenge Brigade, a group responsible for the assassination of aprominent human…
Cenevre, Tribune de Geneve Gazetesi ile Röportaj
-Y a-t-il un rapport de cause à effet entre la guerre que mène actuellement la Turquie contre la guérilla kurde en Irak et l’identité nationale turque? Si oui, le(s)quel(s) ?…
France-Arménie Ocak ayı Özel Hrant Dink sayısı
- Türk-Ermeni ilişkileri/diyaloğuve bunun aktörleri: HD bu diyaloğu ne kadar gerçekleştirebildi ? Eğer burada kasıt Türkler ile Diaspora/Ermenistan arasındaki ilişkilerse, bu konuda çok büyük ilerleme olduğu söylenemez. Ama kasıt Türkiyeli…
« MK », Récit d’un déporté arménien, Texte établi par Baskin Oran
« MK », Récit d’un déporté arménien, Texte établi par Baskin ORAN (traduit du turc par Elif Saner et revu par François Skvor), Editions Turquoise Nouvelles d’Arménie Magazine : Avez-vous…
El Mundo Gazetesine Röportaj
1. You were charge under the article 301 for doing a report about minorities that was ordered to you by the goverment. What did you think when you got acussed?…
France-Armenie Dergisine Röportaj
Quels sont les acteurs du dialogue arméno-turc. Dans quelle mesure Hrant Dink a-t-il influencé ce dialogue ? S’il s’agit du dialogue entre les Arméniens de la Turquie et les Turcs,…
Gullan Weekly (K.Irak)
The situation of Iraq has witnessed many changes; But Turkey is still dealing with the status u which Iraq is still a dependent part of the Ottoman Empire, Why do…
Je pense que nous avons atteint un moment clef dans l’histoire de la démocratie turque
Je pense que nous avons atteint un moment clef dans l’histoire de la démocratie turque », estime le candidat indépendant, Baskin Oran. Si l’enjeu des prochaines élections législatives a provoqué…
Une deuxième révolution est en cours en Turquie
Entretien avec Baskin Oran, professeur de sciences politiques à l’université d’Ankara. Intellectuel engagé, ce spécialiste du droit des minorités estime que son pays doit s’accepter comme une nation plurielle où…
Propos recueillis par Isabelle Kortian
Rencontre avec Baskin ORAN Baskin Oran, professeur de relations internationales à l’Université d’Ankara, est une grande figure intellectuelle en Turquie. Il a participé les 24 et 25 septembre 2005 à…
Alexandros Massavetas-Katimerini
1. Turkey's EU accession process has enabled the country's liberal intellectuals to express themselves more freely and more vocally. You are one of the most prominent representatives of an intellectual…
Mariano Saravia | Argentina
You are the one of few scientists from Turkey that does not hesitate in speaking about the Genocide. Which was the basis of the use of that expression?. Let us…
Last week’s planned conference on the Armenian issue was cancelled
Last week's planned conference on the Armenian issue was cancelled but if the speakers could speak, or the uninvited parties attended, what would they say? Nursun Erel The New Anatolian…
Emigration memories of an Armenian child: A journey of grief without grudges
‘I would have died when I was nine years old; this life is the grace of God to me. I am playing in ‘overtime,' says Kerkyasharian EMİNE KART ANKARA -…